5-8-2008 Ships Log (Really Bill's Log) Thursday 287 nm Northeast of Maui, 2023 nm from Ensenada Mexico
Well we have learned first hand what it is like to be at sea for a week. The ocean surely is massive. A couple of days ago at about the 1/2 way point of the journey, we spotted some sea gulls flying over the water. We later leanred that the only way such life exists this far from land is by ship. The gulls latched onto a ship somewhere and eventualy left (at the wrong time). They find after flying for hours that there is nowhere to land and live except in the water! We were told the birds eventually just perish. It was a very weird feeling to be 1,000 miles from any sort of land whatsoever.
There is today, much anticipation amongst the people on the ship because at sunrise tomorrow we will be anchored off the shore of Lahaina, Maui. There has been Hawaian hula dancers and performers on the entire trip with us so they have everyone in the Hooky Lau mood. We will be anchored in Maui for two days as the ship will not leave for the big island until very late Saturday night. The time is now 5 hours earlier than CST (Chicago). The captain had us turning back the clock (an hour) every other night. Peg and I are now exhausted and ready for bed at about 9PM each night!
I spent an hour in a golf simulator yesterday and played Pebble Beach (18 holes) and learned that the damn simulator is very acurate and measured my game very much like it is in real life...I shot a 105 for18 holes. I would love to have one of those things in my basement!
The ship is beautiful and we have come to know it well. Peg and I took a walk around deck 5 today and saw the Helipad. The captain told us that medical emergencies is the primary purpose of the Helipad and also noted that if an emergency ocurred at sea while we were 1,000 miles from land, he could only hope that the medical staff on board could handle the situation as no helicopter would / could make the 1,000 mile trip to the ship. We have had two emergency announcements this week known as "Alpha Alpha Alpha" over the intercom system. They say "Attention...Attention.....Alpha Alpha Alpha...Dining Room, Port Side Table #408or Casino". An emergency team rushes to these locations and does whatever they can. When we first heard the call, someone at dinner said, "What does Alpha Alpha Alpha mean?". I said I don't know but it didn't appear the call was for a Triple AAA gathering of some sort! We still don't know what happened and how the poeple involved are (the crew is very quiet about such things). For all we know, there is more than just food in the on board refrigerators!
So today we are relaxing once again and enjoying the thought of being on land tomorrow. It hasn't quite sunk in that we will be walking on some of the most beautiful land anywhere to be found. Peg and I are staying at the Grand Wailea Resort for both days (about one hour from Lahaina) Our dinner table friends have been there and tell us it is one of the most beautiful resorts anywhere on earth. I tell business associates everywhere I go, that I only work for one reason....and that is to go on vacation. We laugh about it as they see a picture of an island and a cruise ship on my powerpoint presentations, but those closest to me....know it's TRUE! If you are reading this blog, please know that my only regret about this experience, is that you are not here with us to enjoy it together.
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