5-6-2008 Radiance of the Seas (Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean)
It is now Tuesday morning (I know because the floor in the elevators has a DAY Plate telling everyone what day it is). We woke up this morning and saw our geographical position on TV. Peg said "It looks like we are about half way there". The screen changed to show that we have travelled 1,154 miles and we have 1,159 miles to go! I would say are half way there!
We didn't realize when leaving that it would be cool the first couple of days. I figured Mexico is warm, Hawaii is warm, our trip should be warm...NOT! The last two days felt like we were heading for Kodiak Isalnd instead of a Hawaian Island. Each day though, is getting warmer outside. Monday's belly flop contest has been rescheduled for Thursday. When you take mental note of such things, you pretty much realize you are on vacation.
Peg and I are like gym rats in the morning, and ship wanderers in the afternoons. RCCL brought on a bunch of Hawaian dudes and dancers in CA so we would be entertained at sea. I went to a historical presentation of Hawaii where I learned that ALOHA means Hello, Good Bye, and I Love You. The presenter said the word Family is really an acronym for "Father and Mother, I Love You". I am not sure how true that is, but the thought is a good one.
When not wondering around taking pictures and writing, I find my way to the casino. I have discovered that the secret to winning at black jack is not to use any systematic approach to betting. The secret is simply have an incredible amount of time on your shoudlers, betting very little most of the time, and after losing about 3 or 4 hands in a row, betting the mother load.....cause it is now YOUR time to win! I won't say here just how much $ my tactics have earned me, but I will say this cruise continues to pay for itself!
The people we have dined with have been great. There are 10 people at our table. Janice and Chris from Pittsburgh, Jim and Donna from Denver, Ray and Denny from Austin, and Joe and Cookie from San Fransisco. Ray and Joe are both retired and have been for years. They never met in their life before sitting at our tabe but they both worked for United Airlines for many years before retirement. Joe was a mechanic, Ray was a pilot and both lived in CA. There had to be countless times when Joe was working on a plane that Ray was flying. What are the odds of these gentleman sitting next to each other at a dinner table on a ship with 2,100 people on it? Whatever they are, it cannot possibly be as good as the odds of me winning a little more money at black jack today!
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